CleanArc Data Centers is soliciting proposals from qualified renewable energy developers

We are seeking proposal for the purchase of Renewable Energy Products (Energy, Capacity and Environmental Attributes) from utility-scale wind, solar and battery storage resources.

CleanArc’s objective is to support our hyperscale data center customers’ goals to minimize carbon emissions and demonstrate direct renewable claims. We achieve these goals by enabling the construction of new renewable projects in the geographies and RTO footprints where we operate. Additionally, CleanArc will seek to match renewable product content on an hourly basis inasmuch as possible. 


All participating bidders must review the official RFP Response Overview.

After reviewing the RFP Response Overview, bidders must complete the confidentiality agreement. CleanArc will email the bidder the fully executed confidential agreement and any supplemental documents not available on the website necessary to complete a conforming proposal. 

Key Dates

ActionDeadline 5:00 PM (PT)
RFP AnnouncementJuly 12, 2023
RFP distributed to select list of respondents, all of which are under NDA with CleanArc Data CentersJuly 26, 2023
Bidders are encouraged to submit questions to CleanArc prior to Bidder Information SessionOngoing
Confidentiality Agreements ExecutedAugust 4, 2023
Bidders Information SessionAugust 7, 2023, 1PM (CPT)
Bidders submit additional questions to CleanArcAugust 11, 2023
CleanArc issues FAQ responseAugust 18, 2023
Bidder's Proposal Submittal DeadlineAugust 31, 2023

More Information

Renewable Energy: For the purposes of this RFP, “Unit Capacity” is defined as maximum net MW (ac) output, and includes capacity, energy, ancillary services and environmental attributes (including but not limited to renewable energy certificates) delivered from a specific new solar or onshore wind facility.

Utility-scale Solar facilities must be greater than 20 MWs of unit capacity, with no maximum limitation on size. Each Proposal must represent generation at a single site and shall not reflect an aggregate of multiple facilities at separate sites to meet the minimum size threshold.

Onshore Wind facilities have no size limitations.

Energy Storage: For storage devices that are paired or standalone, “Storage Capacity” is defined as the maximum net MW (ac) that can be utilized.

Projects with delivery of 100% Unit Capacity and/or Storage Capacity commencing by December 31, 2026 are preferred. Considering the slow progress of projects through the PJM queue, we will evaluate projects with target CODs through December 31, 2029. We understand pricing may not be firm for projects commencing several years from now. The delivery year shall be clearly designated as part of all Proposals and should be supported by interconnection status as well as a firm contractual commitment to Project schedules.

CleanArc is seeking PPA Proposals in both the PJM and ERCOT RTOs.  The contracts will settle financially on a Day-Ahead basis at any of the following Hubs:

  • DOM Hub (PJM)
  • AD Hub (PJM)
  • N. Illinois Hub (PJM)
  • East Hub (PJM)
  • West Hub (PJM)
  • North Hub (ERCOT)
  • South Hub (ERCOT)
  • Houston Hub (ERCOT)

All Proposals must utilize existing, proven technologies, with demonstrated reliable generation performance.

Any lithium-ion PPA Proposals should include the following inputs/assumptions:

  • Duration of battery storage component
  • One full charge / discharge cycle in a twenty-four-hour period at submitted Minimum and Maximum States of Charge
  • Battery augmentation cycle that maintains facility output (Nameplate Capacity MWac multiplied by duration) over the contract term
  • Annual degradation rate to be applied to initial facility output (Nameplate Capacity MWac multiplied by duration) assuming no battery augmentation is performed
  • Submission of anticipated facility useful life, given the charge / discharge cycle use case requirements noted above

CleanArc has developed a term sheet that is intended to identify key Terms & Conditions that enable Bidders to provide indicative pricing to CleanArc. The Proposal should be accompanied by a mark-up version of the Term Sheet. Marked-up Term Sheets do not constitute an acceptance of the Terms & Conditions by CleanArc and may be subject to negotiation in the pursuit of a commercial contract. The CleanArc team will send the Non Binding Term Sheet via email to Bidders who have returned the Confidentiality Agreement.

Key communications will be through the following:

  1. Website -
  2. Email address –
CleanArc is an innovative provider of first-of-its-kind, sustainability-focused data center development and operation solutions. With decades of experience in both the data center and energy sectors, CleanArc has assembled the critical components for hyperscalers seeking to expand quickly, sustainably, and cost-efficiently.

The Future of Data Center Power

©2024. CleanArc Data Centers LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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